MR. I THE SCIENCE GUY - Find out things you need for Mr. I's Science Class

You will find all you need for your science class here. Use the Tags link to find the posting that are relevant to your class only.

SCIENCE 8 ROCKS! - Find Resources for your class here

We learn about cells, body systems, matter and mixture this year

SCIENCE 7 RULES! - Find Resources for your class here

Post your work for all to see here if you like. Use this website to showcase to your friends and family what you can do.

OPTION DAYS - Participate in Exciting multi-day activities

Activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and climbing are typical offerings that I provide during option days. See what's coming this year!


Learn a little more about your Teacher Mr. I the Science Guy! Find out about my hobbies and interests

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Outdoor Ed: Course Survey

Please Complete the Course Survey HERE.  Thanks!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Science 8: Course Survey

Today we are: completing the Course Survey
I will: let Mr. I know what I thought of the course and how it was taught
I can: let my teacher know what I thought about the course.
I can: provide some constructive criticism.

1.  Complete the course survey please.

2.  Please complete your topic 6 assigment which is due next class.

3.  The Final Review is also available for anyone who is ready for it ahead of schedule.

... but first, the DEATH RAY 1000

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Outdoor Ed: Akamina Hike

Great hike with the Jr. High Outdoor Ed Class.  Here is the link to our pictures.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Science 8: Meet the Professor

Today we are: getting the opportunity to prepare questions for our google chat
I will: come up with a question to ask Dr. Orr, related to fresh and salt water.
I can: review his websites for more information about him.
I can: come up with a question that I find interesting.

1.  Complete your topic 5 Sheet.  It is due Monday.

2.  We've been following the voyage of the boat IO from Canada to the French Polynesians.  Explore the trip some more.

You can look at earlier stuff, 2009, which covers Canada and the Queen Charlotte Islands

The beginning of the Trip
The middle of the trip
The end of the Trip

or some posts we already looked at.

     and now the sharks
     let's look at food webs
     animals i met and age.  Part II

or explore his current site, based out of Nova Scotia, Ocean Cowboy.

3.  Think of 1 or 2 questions you would like to ask Dr. Orr and put them on a sticky.
4.  If you finish this, then you can start the topic 6 sheet.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Science 8: Topic 5: Aquatic Animals

Today we are: learning about the organisms of the ocean
I will: learn about some of the more interesting ocean or water animals
I can: explain the unique features of at least 2 organisms
I can: understand that water creates a unique environment that makes or organisms that are different from land organisms.

1.  Let's Look at our organisms that we researched.

2.  Let's look at IO again.
     and now the sharks
     let's look at food webs
     animals i met and age.  Part II

3.  Now it's your turn.  Work on your topic 5 handout.