MR. I THE SCIENCE GUY - Find out things you need for Mr. I's Science Class

You will find all you need for your science class here. Use the Tags link to find the posting that are relevant to your class only.

SCIENCE 8 ROCKS! - Find Resources for your class here

We learn about cells, body systems, matter and mixture this year

SCIENCE 7 RULES! - Find Resources for your class here

Post your work for all to see here if you like. Use this website to showcase to your friends and family what you can do.

OPTION DAYS - Participate in Exciting multi-day activities

Activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and climbing are typical offerings that I provide during option days. See what's coming this year!


Learn a little more about your Teacher Mr. I the Science Guy! Find out about my hobbies and interests

Monday, September 28, 2015

Science 8: Week 5 - Science Skills, Field Trip and Matter & Mixtures

This week we are: Assessing the Introductory Material
I will: demonstrate my understanding of the basic science skills
I will: write down unknown vocabulary terms for unit 1
I can: pass the basic science skills quiz
I can: find and define unknown vocabulary terms.
I can: I can complete handout 1 on unit 1

1. Use of Chromebooks to Graph and Make Data Table
2. Work on mentos lab data and graph.
3. If done, start vocabulary for unit 1.

1.  Field Trip Day.  We are gone all day to St. Mary's Reservoir.
2.  We will learn about fossils, fresh water systems, and ecosystems.

1.  Quiz on Science Skills

1.  Matter and Mixture Introduction.  States of Matter. [video and lab activity]
2.  Handout 1 on Matter and Mixture - work on states of matter and changes in states of matter.

1. Kahoot on Vocabulary terms.

See Homework on Homework Page

Math 10C: Week 5 - Trigonometry and Factoring

This week we are: Introducing Trigonometry
I will: demonstrate my understanding of Trigonometry (Ratios/Angles/Sides) 

I can: determine the angles and sides of a triangle
I can: determine the any angle and side of a triangle
I can: determine the angle or side for for two triangle systems.

1.  Review on Chapter 1
2.  Handout Results for students to review and complete pre-test assessment.

1. Summative Assessment Chapter 1
2. Assign Factoring Introduction.


1.  Hand back chapter 1 Exams.
2.  Handout Results for students to review and complete post-test assessment.
3.  Go over numbers, focusing on rational and irrational numbers

1.  Formative Assessment  2.1 Rational and Irrational numbers
2.  Lesson introduction on factoring
3. Factoring, LCM and GCF

1.  Review activity on Kahoot for factoring.

Science 7: Week 5 - Science Skills and Interactions & Ecosystems

This week we are: Assessing the Introductory Material
I will: demonstrate my understanding of the basic science skills
I will: write down unknown vocabulary terms for unit 1
I can: pass the basic science skills quiz
I can: find and define unknown vocabulary terms.
I can: I can complete handout 1 on unit 1

1. Use of Chromebooks to Graph and Make Data Table
2. Review for quiz on Tuesday.

1.  Quiz on Science Skills

1.  Handout vocabulary terms for Unit 1.
2.  Transect activity to introduce inquiry and the ecosystem.
3.  Handout 1 on Interactions and Ecosystems.

1.  4 basic needs poster activity.

1. Kahoot on Vocabulary terms.
2. Handout 1 activity on endangered species.

See Homework on Homework Page

Monday, September 21, 2015

Science 8: Week 4 - Science Skills - Last Week

This week we are: Assessing the Introductory Material
I will: demonstrate my understanding of the basic science skills
I will: create a graph and data table from an experiment
I can: demonstrate my understand of the introductory skills
I can: graph data from an experiment
I can: come up with a conclusion and generate new questions from a lab

1. Use of Chromebooks to Graph and Make Data Table
2. Graphing and data tables (chromebooks & ipads).  Submit Here.
3. Handout Field trip forms and watch video on plastic & birds
4.  Work on mentos lab data and graph.

1. Review for Quiz on Science Skills.
2.  Continue working on Lab data.  Share with me at so I can print it off for you.

1.  Review for Quiz on Science Skills.
2.  Handout quiz Review

1.  Quiz on Science Skills

? TBA - Terry Fox Run will happen at some point during this day.

See Homework on Homework Page

Science 7: Week 4 - Science Skills and Quiz Prep

This week we are: Assessing the Introductory Material
I will: demonstrate my understanding of the basic science skills
I will: create a graph and data table from an experiment
I can: demonstrate my understand of the introductory skills
I can: graph data from an experiment
I can: come up with a conclusion and generate new questions from a lab

1. Review of Experimental Variables.
2. Use of Chromebooks to Graph and Make Data Table
2. Graphing and data tables (chromebooks & ipads).  Submit Here.

1. Introduce google classroom.  If students haven't already, they should sign in and register for the class. [arfbnp]
2.  Using Google Classroom, students will generate a graph and data table in pairs.  They will generate data from their booklets or create their own survey and graph it.

1.  Assign graphing sheets from work booklet.
2.  Review for Quiz on Science Skills. 

1.  Review for Quiz on Science Skills. 
2.  Handout quiz Review

? TBA - Terry Fox Run will happen at some point during this day.

See Homework on Homework Page

Math 10C: Week 4 - Trigonometry

This week we are: Introducing Trigonometry
I will: demonstrate my understanding of Trigonometry (Ratios/Angles/Sides) 

I can: determine the angles and sides of a triangle
I can: determine the any angle and side of a triangle
I can: determine the angle or side for for two triangle systems.

1.  Formative Assessement on identifying sides
2.  Review and instruction on Trig Ratios
3.  Formative Assessement on Trig Ratios
4.  Assign Homework for Trig angles  Example 2 Trigonometry I

1. Formative Assessement 1.6 Trig sides & Ratios
2. Review on Trig angle calculations from Trig ratios
3. Instruction on side calcuations from angles.  Assign Ex 3-5 Trigonometry I


1.  Formative Assessment on Trig angles
2.  Lab activity - clinometer, linked to initial estimation activity.
3.  Revision to estimation activity - all units in metric.
4.  Handout for Chapter Review

1.  Formative Assessment on side calculations
2.  Revision to estimation activity - all units in metric.
3.  Handout for Chapter Review

1. Formative Assessment - Kahoot
? TBA - Terry Fox Run will happen at some point during this day.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Science 8: Homework - Running List

Science Skills

WHMIS - questions 3,4,5,8,9
Metric -  [1-3,18-20]
Scientific Notation - 21,23,24,28,32,34,35,36,39
Scientific Inquiry - questions 1-3
Experimental Variables - 1-4 [any 2], data table [1-4]
Generate a Data Table and Graph - submit to google classroom
List variables used above - submit to google classroom
Mentos Lab - graph on google sheets, printed and submit hard copy.

Science 7: Homework - Running List

Science Skills.

WHMIS - questions 1 or 2,3,4,5,6,7[3 occupations], 8,9
Metric - Extra sheet instead of booklet [1-3,18-20 for those who didn't do it on due date]
Scientific Inquiry - questions 1-3
Experimental Variables - 1-4, data table [any 2]
Data Table and Graph - need to make one on google sheets and submit it via google classroom
Graphs - answer any page from the booklet
Data table - answer any page from the booklet

Monday, September 14, 2015

Science 8: Week 3 - Science Skills

This week we are: Covering the Introductory Material
I will: review the basic science skills
I can: work with experimental variables
I can: construct a graph and data table

1.  Review the Candle Lab.  Go over variables, manipulated, responding, controlled.  See handout for more information.
2. Experimental Design, Like a Recipe.  Handout on how to do a lab write-up.  Work together to design the mentos lab.
3.  Introduce google classroom.  IF students haven't already, they should sign in and register for the class. [ingewc]

1.   Use of Chromebooks or iPads to Graph and produce data tables.
2.   graphing and data tables (chromebooks & ipads)
3.  Create a graph and data table.  Submit them to google classroom.

1.  Experiment Day!  Mentos Lab
2.  Any time left over will be to work on Lab.  You will need to calculate actual height and graph the data.

1.  Finish Data table and graphing Assignment.
2.  Work on Mentos Lab.  Calculate the height of each pop.  Here is a sample calculation if you missed my example in class.
3.  Start Lab Write-up

PLC - No school

Science 7: Week 3 - Science Skills and Demo

This week we are: Covering the Introductory Material
I will: review the basic science skills
I can: do metric conversion
I can: work with experimental variables
I can: construct a graph and data table

1.  Metric Conversion - Review
2.  Scientific Notation - Introduction

1. Formative Assessment
2. Go over Monday Work
3. Scientific Variables - Introduction

1.  Demo - Mentos experiment
2. Experimental Design, Like a Recipe.  Handout on how to do a lab write-up.  Work together to design the mentos lab.

1.  Work on Manipulated and Responding Variables
2.  Assign questions.  See homework page.

PLC - No School

See Homework on Homework Page

Math.10C: Week 3 - Volume & Quiz

This week we are: Working on our understanding of Volume and Shapes

I will: determine the volume of 3D shapes
I will: solve for a variable from the volume
I will: complete Pythagoras when required before solving for volume.

I can: calculate the volume of pyramids, cones, prisms and spheres
I can: calculate and missing variable from the above if given the volume
I can: determine when pythagoras is required or diameter needs to be converted to radius.


1.  Today we will complete our formative assessment on Volume and review the results.


1.  We will work on a review assignment to prepare for our quiz tomorrow.
2.  I will go over students formative assessments to prepare them for the quiz.


1.  We will have a summative assessment on conversions, surface area and volume.
2.  If time is available, we will introduce Trigonometry.

1.  We will introduce Trigonometry and the labeling of a right angle triangle.



Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Science 8: Week 2 - Science Skills

This week we are: Covering the Introductory Material
I will: review the basic science skills
I can: do metric conversion
I can: work with experimental variables
I can: construct a graph and data table

1.  Metric Conversion - Review
2.  Scientific Notation - Introduction

1. Formative Assessment
2. Go over Monday Work
3. Scientific Variables - Introduction

1.  Review Candle Lab
2.  Manipulated and Responding Variables
3.  Introduce graphing and data tables (chromebooks & ipads)

1.  Work on Manipulated and Responding Variables
2.  Graph Data

1.  Collect Graphs & Data tables
2.  Complete introduction assignment

Math.10C: Week 2 - Metric & Imperial Conversions

This week we are: Covering Metric, Imperial and Pythagoras
I will: convert metric, imperial, between both units and Pythagoras
I can: convert between metric units
I can: convert between imperial units
I can: convert between metric and imperial units
I can: solve Pythagoras questions

Long Weekend.

1. Formative assessment on Metric to Imperial and Imperial to Metric
2.  Practice on Surface area Calculations


1.  Continuation of Surface area Calculations
2.  In class practice on calculating Surface Area (Notebook Software Required)

1.  Formative Assessment on Surface Area
2.  Introduction of Volume

1.  In class practice on calculating Volume (Notebook Software Required)

1.  Fun Class!  Watch an episode of Numbers to see the application of Mathematics.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Science 7: Week 2 - Science Skills

This week we are: Covering the Introductory Material
I will: review the basic science skills
I can: do metric conversion
I can: work with experimental variables
I can: construct a graph and data table

1.  Metric Conversion - Review
2.  Scientific Notation - Introduction

1. Formative Assessment - Kahoot
2. Go over Monday Work
3. Scientific Variables - Introduction

1.  Review Candle Lab
2.  Manipulated and Responding Variables
3.  Introduce graphing and data tables (chromebooks & ipads)

1.  Work on Manipulated and Responding Variables
2.  Graph Data

1.  Collect Graphs & Data tables
2.  Complete introduction assignment

Tuesday, September 1, 2015


I have posted the links to my Remind page for homework and stellar science stuff or S3

 Check for Updates!

Science 7

 Science 8

Math 10
