MR. I THE SCIENCE GUY - Find out things you need for Mr. I's Science Class

You will find all you need for your science class here. Use the Tags link to find the posting that are relevant to your class only.

SCIENCE 8 ROCKS! - Find Resources for your class here

We learn about cells, body systems, matter and mixture this year

SCIENCE 7 RULES! - Find Resources for your class here

Post your work for all to see here if you like. Use this website to showcase to your friends and family what you can do.

OPTION DAYS - Participate in Exciting multi-day activities

Activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and climbing are typical offerings that I provide during option days. See what's coming this year!


Learn a little more about your Teacher Mr. I the Science Guy! Find out about my hobbies and interests

Monday, November 24, 2014

Week 13: Science 8 Cells & Microsopes.

This week we are: Reviewing the basic needs of cells and learning about the microsocope.
I will describe the 5 basic needs of living things
I will describe the parts of a microscope and their functions

I can: label a microscope
I can: list the 5 basic needs and explain their significance. 

1.  Go to your classroom.
2.  Complete your work on the Microscope.

1.  Go to your classroom.
2.  Complete your work on the Microscope magnification.
3.  Put your Poster on the Bulletin Board in the front/left side of the classroom.
4.  Explain your reasoning for why you used the pictures that you did for each category.

1.  Continue poster presentations.
2.  Introduction to the Microscope.  Students will go over the parts of a microscope and look at prepared slides.

1.  Continuation of the introduction to the microsope.
2.  Introduction to the parts of a cell.  Students will learn about the cell and it's basic parts.

PLC - No Classes

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Cells & Systems: Basic Needs of Living Things.

You Classroom is HERE

Assignment is in your classroom.

Notes on Cells are HERE

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Materials Assignment

Strengthening materials Assignment

1. Find 3 composite materials used in daily life and what they’re used for.  What are the individual materials? 1 paragraph. 

2. Find 3 laminations that are used in daily life and what they’re used for.  What are the individual materials?  1 paragraph

3. Find 3 synthetic materials that are extremely strong.  Are they made of anything?  If so, what?

4. Find me 2 types of metals that are very strong and tell me if they are expensive or not. 

5. Find me 3 ways to strengthen metal. 

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November Flex Friday Registration

Please click here to start the survey

Monday, November 17, 2014

Matter and Mixtures Exam

Please take the test.  The link is here.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Week 11 : Physics

This week we are: completing lessons 23-26 
I will: learn Newtons 3 Laws
I willcalculate force values with and without friction
I will: draw free body diagrams and calculate values from them
I canexplain inertia and newtons 1st law
I cancalculate newtons 2nd law
I candraw free body diagrams and calculate values from them with or without friction


No School


No School

Sub will teach this class.  I am gone.

1.  Today we are reviewing the material taught by the sub.
2.  We will introduce friction today.

1.  Go over Friction HW.
2.  Introduction of Slope.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Sci8 - Matter: Topic 6&7: buoyancy and fluid pressure

Today we are:  learning about buoyancy and fluid pressure
I will: learn how buoyancy is related to density or average density and how fluids can exert a pressure
I can: define buoyancy and fluid pressure
I can: change the average density of an object
I can: use fluid pressure to keep my boat dry.

1.  Let's start with some origami.  Go to this site and make a small boat out of a 1/4 sheet of paper.

2.  Now we are off to the lab to do some experimenting!

Sci8 - Matter: Topic 4&5 Questions

Today we are:  Reviewing our understanding of Density and Viscosity
I will: answer some questions on Density and Viscosity
I can: define density and viscosity
I can: differentiate between very dense and not dense matter
I can: differentiate between very viscous and not very viscous matter
I can: calculate density, mass and volume using the formula.

1.  Let's see what we understand about density and viscosity.  Answer the following questionnaire.

2.  We will get together in our pods and make sure our work is all caught up.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Week 10: Physics Dynamics and Newtons Laws

This week we are: completing lessons 23-26 
I will: learn Newtons 3 Laws
I willcalculate force values with and without friction
I will: draw free body diagrams and calculate values from them
I canexplain inertia and newtons 1st law
I cancalculate newtons 2nd law
I candraw free body diagrams and calculate values from them with or without friction

1.  Review Exam quickly and suggest tutorial for those wanting help.
2.  Review free body diagrams, both 1D and 2D.
3.  Lesson 23.  Newtons 1st Law

1.  Lesson 24.  Newtons 2nd Law
2.  Formative Assessment on 1st Law
2.  HW assignment for newtons 2nd Law

1.  Formative assessment on 2nd Law2
2.  Lesson 25 Newtons 3rd Law
     2nd Class
3.  Handout on Newtons 3rd Law.

1.  Formative Assessment on Newtons 3rd Law
2.  Lesson 26.  Friction


1.  Review of basics before the introduction of incline plane.
2.  Review assignment for quiz.