MR. I THE SCIENCE GUY - Find out things you need for Mr. I's Science Class

You will find all you need for your science class here. Use the Tags link to find the posting that are relevant to your class only.

SCIENCE 8 ROCKS! - Find Resources for your class here

We learn about cells, body systems, matter and mixture this year

SCIENCE 7 RULES! - Find Resources for your class here

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OPTION DAYS - Participate in Exciting multi-day activities

Activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and climbing are typical offerings that I provide during option days. See what's coming this year!


Learn a little more about your Teacher Mr. I the Science Guy! Find out about my hobbies and interests

Monday, November 30, 2015

Math 10C: Week 13 - Chapter 4 Exam, Linear Equation, slope of a line, slope - intercept, slope point form

This week we are: Working on our understanding of function notation and intercepts

I will: express functions as an equation
I will: determine values for functions using the equation
I will: define values as intercepts on function graphs

I can: calculate values for function equations
I can: differentiate between known values such as f(3) vs f(x)=3
I can: label and define both x and y intercepts


1.  Exam on Chapter 4


1.  We will introduce Chapter 5 and the slope of a line
2.  In the second class, we will continue and go over the slope-intercept for the the equation.
3.  Students can work on both sections in their workbook.


1.  Formative assessment 5.1 and 5.2 today, the slope of a line and slope-intercept form.
2.  Students can look ahead if done early [gone to dentist appointment]

1.  We will go over slope-point form of linear equations
3.  Students can work on this section in their workbook.


1.  Formative Assessment 5.3 on Slope Point form
2. Review topics 5.1-5.3 for quiz on Monday
3. Practice using Kahoot for quiz on Monday

Monday, November 23, 2015

Math 10C: Week 12 - Math 10 Quiz, Function Notation & Intercepts

This week we are: Working on our understanding of function notation and intercepts

I will: express functions as an equation
I will: determine values for functions using the equation
I will: define values as intercepts on function graphs

I can: calculate values for function equations
I can: differentiate between known values such as f(3) vs f(x)=3
I can: label and define both x and y intercepts


1.  Today we will be having a quiz on functions/relations and range/domain
2.  If done on time, we will start Tuesdays Lesson Early


1.  We will go over Function notation and equations in the the from of slope-intercept
2.  Have students work on handouts for function notation.


1.  Formative assessment 4.3 on Function notation
2.  Go over x-y intercepts on a graph
3.  Have students work in workbook and handouts for intercpts

1.  Formative assessment 4.4 on X-Y intercpets
2. Handout Review Assignment
3.  Students can work on  review assignment.


1.  We will look at kahoot as a review for the test on monday.
2.  When done, students can work on review assignment.

Monday, November 16, 2015

Math 10C: Week 11 - Math 10 Functions & Relations

This week we are: Working on our understanding of relations, functions & graphing

I will: define functions & relations
I will: express functions and relations in different ways
I will: express domain & range in different ways

I can: differentiate functions and relations
I can: express functions and relations and data tables, graphs, number sets and arrow diagrams.
I can: express domain and range in at least 3 different ways; 


1. Introduction of functions and relations
2. Explain the different forms of expressing functions and relations [arrow diagram, data table, ordered pairs, sentence], 
3. Link the different forms to x,y values for simplicity
4. Practice using workbook


1.  Formative assessment 4.1 on functions and relations
2.  Introduction of Domain and Range.  Relate domain and range to question and answer or variables {MIX and DRY}
3.  Apply domain and range to the different forms [arrow diagram, data table, ordered pairs, sentence], 
4. Practice using workbook

1.  Formative Assessment 4.2 on Domain and Range
2. Introduction of domain and range, function and relations to graphical interpretations
3. Practice using workbook and extra handouts.

1.  We will complete the formative assessment on graphical interpretation, 4.3
2.  We will look at kahoot as a review for the quiz on monday


Flex Friday

Monday, November 9, 2015

Math 10C: Week 10 - Math 10 Polynomials and Exam Prep.

This week we are: Working on our understanding of polynomials and their factors

I will: multiply binomials and trinomials
I will: factor binomials and trinomials

I can: multiply binomials and trinomials
I can: factor binomials and trinomials


No School


No School

1.  Today we are factoring tinomials that have greatest common factors.

1.  Today we are looking at special case polynomials

Review for exam next week.