MR. I THE SCIENCE GUY - Find out things you need for Mr. I's Science Class

You will find all you need for your science class here. Use the Tags link to find the posting that are relevant to your class only.

SCIENCE 8 ROCKS! - Find Resources for your class here

We learn about cells, body systems, matter and mixture this year

SCIENCE 7 RULES! - Find Resources for your class here

Post your work for all to see here if you like. Use this website to showcase to your friends and family what you can do.

OPTION DAYS - Participate in Exciting multi-day activities

Activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and climbing are typical offerings that I provide during option days. See what's coming this year!


Learn a little more about your Teacher Mr. I the Science Guy! Find out about my hobbies and interests

Monday, October 29, 2018

Navigation in Canvas

Here is a short video that highlights the navigation in Canvas

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Register as a Parent for Canvas

If you want to see what your kid is doing in class, you can observe what they do.  All their assignments with answer keys, practice formative quizzes and my comments on their work is available to you!   If your interested follow the information below


Student first

Have your kid login into canvas and click on their account, then "Settings"

On the right side near the bottom is a button labeled pair with observer.  Have them click this.

This will generate your code to see your kid specifically.

Parent second

Now you can go to the following site

Click the parents sign up here and complete the following form.

That's it!  Now in the future you can login to   and see their activity and assignments.  I will make sure to reference where we are in the course to help you navigate the online resource.  

I will create a video in the near future to walk you through the main features of Canvas.


Monday, January 29, 2018

Science Roadtrip Pre-trip Questionnaire.

Please click the following link and answer the questions for us!  We appreciate your work.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Science 8: Edible cell project

Students have an edible cell project due this week.  Here is the marking rubric and some examples from years past.

Marking Rubric

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Brick Animation 07: Storyboarding

Today we are: learning how setup a story.
I will: learn how storyboard a scene to create a variety of shots.
I can: use a variety of shots to create a scene.
I can: storyboard a short clip, trailer or scene.

Alright.  Now is the time to craft your animation.  Setting up for your first scene means you need to know your shots.

1.  Watch this clip and watch how simple the filming is for the conversation between the robot and the main character.

2.  Use the storyboard sheets to script out a short scene or trailer like scene.  Here are some sample shots or these top 30!

PROJECT: Storyboard your Script.  It should include 3 scenes, each having at least 5 camera angles.

Brick Animation 06: Camera Angles

Today we are: Learning about the different camera angles.
I will: use 5 different angles to create a scene.
I can: select at least 5 different film angles
I can: take enough pictures for 5 to 10 seconds of film
I can: share the completed project with Mr. Iwaasa

Today we are learning that we need to change are camera angle.   OFTEN!

Here are some examples of typical shots.

If you want to get more complex, you can add moving camera shots.  Here are the typical examples.

1.  Pick simple scene to shoot
2.  pick 3 to 5 unique camera angles to shoot
3.  Shoot your scene, making sure you take 10 - 20 pictures per angle.
4.  Add effects and voices.
5.  Upload your movie so Mr. I can share your work.
6.  Good Luck!

PROJECT: 5 - 10 seconds of filming with 5 camera angles.

Brick Animation 04: Running and Walking

Today we are: learning how to walk and run
I will: learn how to move a lego figure so they run or walk
I can: use the correct movement to make my figure walk.
I can: use the correct movement to make my figure run.
I can: take the correct number of frames to make it smooth.

One of the first things to learn is how to move a character.  This lesson will look at walking and running.

1.  Watch these two videos first, one on walking, the other on running.

2.  Now let's try it ourselves.  Try to film a sequence of walking or running and upload it to the Stirling Lego Youtube Channel.  The info is on the board.

PROJECT: 2 scenes.  1Runnning and 1 Walking.  Length should be a min. of 5 seconds each.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Brick Animation 01: Pick an App, make something happen!

Today we are: learning how to use the LEGO Movie Maker App or Stop Motion Studio
I will: install the app and record some footage
I can: find the LEGO app and record footage.  I can then share what I have done.

1.  The LEGO Movie Maker app allows you to record and create your own Brick Films.  However, it is currently not available in the app store

2.  Here is a short video on how to use the app

3.  Stop motion studio is available for free on both Android and Apple

4.  While there are many apps available, these are the ones we recommend you start with.

PROJECT: 5  seconds of filming.  Other than that, it's all up to you!