MR. I THE SCIENCE GUY - Find out things you need for Mr. I's Science Class

You will find all you need for your science class here. Use the Tags link to find the posting that are relevant to your class only.

SCIENCE 8 ROCKS! - Find Resources for your class here

We learn about cells, body systems, matter and mixture this year

SCIENCE 7 RULES! - Find Resources for your class here

Post your work for all to see here if you like. Use this website to showcase to your friends and family what you can do.

OPTION DAYS - Participate in Exciting multi-day activities

Activities like hiking, camping, backpacking, canoeing and climbing are typical offerings that I provide during option days. See what's coming this year!


Learn a little more about your Teacher Mr. I the Science Guy! Find out about my hobbies and interests

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Brick Animation 02: Import Settings

Today we are: learning how import pictures to make a video
I will: learn how to use quicktime 7 to import an image sequence
I can: set the focus to manual, adjust the iso, white balance, image size, f-stop and shutter speed.

1.  To import a sequence of pictures, we will need to use some software.  The easiest way is to use quicktime pro 7.  You can find it here.

2.  Once you have it on your computer, double click and to open the program.  Now follow these easy steps.
     i.  Click File --> Open Image Sequence
     ii.  Navigate to your folder that contains your pictures and click on the first picture you took.
(You need to delete any pictures you don't want first.)
     iii.  Select the # of frames per second.  Try 15.

3.  Let's see how this works using your pictures from last class!  Let's have someone from each group come up and follow the 3 easy steps.

4.  Now let's try again and make it better.  Here are a few helpful tips.

PROJECT: 5 - 10 seconds of filming, better than last time.  YOU CAN DO IT!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Brick Animation 01: Camera Settings

Today we are: learning how to setup the camera.
I will: learn how to change the camera settings
I can: set the focus to manual, adjust the iso, white balance, image size, f-stop and shutter speed.

1.  Before we begin, we need to make sure we setup our cameras correctly.  This quick tutorial will show you how to setup a Canon camera so it always takes the same pictures.

2.  It should now look like this.

3.  Now lets take some pictures!  Try to take some pictures for a brick animation and we will see how it looks next class.

PROJECT: 5 - 10 seconds of filming.  Other than that, it's all up to you!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Week 14: Physics 20 Introduction of Circular Motion

This week we are: Prepare slides for the microscope and learn about the basic cell parts
I will use a microscope and prepare slides for use
I will describe the parts of a cell

I can: use a microscope properly.
I can: list the basic components of a cell.

1.  Today we will write our Unit Exam

1.  Today we will look at the idea of gravitational fields and universal gravitation.
     (Lessons 28-30)

1.  Today we will be preparing a wet mount slide of actual cells and then exposing them to different environments to see how they react.

1.  Introduction of cell functions; diffusion and osmosis.
2.  Go to your classroom.
3.  Complete your work on cell functions.

Catch up Day